Furzero™ JoySmile Bee Venom Treatment Toothpaste kann 99,99 % der Bakterien beseitigen, den Atem erfrischen, Plaque und Zahnstein entfernen, Gingivitis und Parodontitis behandeln, Zahnschmerzen lindern, Karies vorbeugen und behandeln, den Zahnschmelz wiederherstellen, die Dentinbildung anregen und die Zahnregeneration unterstützen.
Schauen Sie sich an, was unsere zufriedenen Kunden sagen:
"Als leidenschaftlicher Kaffee- und Teetrinker, der auch viel geraucht hat, hatte ich immer wieder Probleme mit der Erhaltung meiner Zähne und meiner Mundgesundheit. Trotz regelmäßigem Zähneputzen und Verwendung von Zahnseide konnte ich den hartnäckigen Zahnstein, der durch meine Lieblingsgetränke und das Rauchen verursacht wurde, nicht bekämpfen. Nachdem ich unzählige Produkte zur Zahnaufhellung erfolglos ausprobiert hatte, beschloss ich, die Furzero™ JoySmile Bienengift Behandlung Zahnpasta auszuprobieren. Zum Glück hat sie Wunder bewirkt, indem sie die Brillanz meines Lächelns wiederhergestellt und das hartnäckige Zahnsteinproblem wirksam bekämpft hat. Ich bin mit den Ergebnissen sehr zufrieden und empfehle sie anderen Kaffee-, Tee- und Tabakliebhabern.“ - Alexander Garcia

"Als jemand, der schon immer eine Vorliebe für Süßes hatte, habe ich verschiedene Zahnpasta-Marken ausprobiert, um sie zu bändigen, aber keine schien zu helfen. Ich hatte ständig mit Karies und Zahnschmerzen zu kämpfen und musste viel Geld für Zahnbehandlungen ausgeben. Dann stieß ich auf Furzero™ JoySmile Bienengift Behandlung Zahnpasta, und ich bin froh, dass ich sie gefunden habe. Sie hat nicht nur meine Zahnprobleme behoben, sondern auch meine Zähne gestärkt und aufgehellt und mir eine Menge Geld gespart. Jetzt sehen meine Zähne brandneu und gesünder aus als je zuvor. Diese Zahnpasta ist perfekt für alle, die nicht nur ihre Zahnhygiene verbessern, sondern auch ihre kariösen Zähne bekämpfen wollen.“ - Lisseth Canales
Lösen Sie alle Ihre Zahnprobleme

Wie funktioniert die Furzero™ JoySmile Bee Venom Treatment Zahnpasta?

Furzero™ JoySmile Bee Venom Treatment Toothpaste harnesses the natural properties of bee venom and other 100% natural herbs. These ingredients leading to healthier gum tissue and stronger enamel.

A study by researchers at King's College London introduces a groundbreaking approach to tooth regeneration. Collagen sponges infused with a minimal amount of Tideglusib are applied to impaired teeth, activating dental pulp stem cells. This prompts their transformation into cells capable of generating teeth and fostering dentin growth, ultimately leading to the restoration of healthy teeth through regeneration.
Nourish Your Gums With Vital Natural Ingredients
This powerful formula includes bee venom for its antibacterial and tissue regenerative properties, solved all your dental problems, including Rapidly Alleviates Painful Inflammation, Calculus Removal, Teeth Growth Stimulation, Cavity Prevention, Teeth Whitening and Mouth Sore Relief & Prevention.
Rapidly Alleviates Painful Inflammation

Swiftly ease discomfort and inflammation linked with oral ailments using Furzero™ JoySmile Bee Venom Treatment Toothpaste. Infused with natural anti-inflammatory agents like bee venom and anesthetics, it adeptly addresses signs of gingival inflammation, easing pain and fostering an environment supportive of natural gum healing. This quick-acting gel diminishes swelling, redness, and sensitivity tied to receding gums, delivering immediate relief from irritation.
Calculus Removal
Calculus, the calcified form of dental plaque that inflames gums, can lead to bone loss, loose teeth, and sensitivity. Furzero™ JoySmile Bee Venom Treatment Toothpaste effectively removes dental plaque and stubborn calculus because of triphala, restoring your teeth's whiteness and health.
Teeth Growth Stimulation
Furzero™ JoySmile Bee Venom Treatment Toothpaste stimulates teeth growth by promoting restorative dentin and regenerating new tooth germs. This formula penetrates deep into the gums for natural tooth repair and regrowth, ensuring a healthier smile. The combination of bee venom and Tideglusib, which inhibits GSK-3, has proven effects on orofacial development and function.
Cavity Prevention
Furzero™ JoySmile Bee Venom Treatment Toothpaste uses bee venom to naturally sterilize and kill germs deep within the gums, repairing tooth decay and continuously eliminating harmful bacteria. This constant germ-killing action helps prevent further cavities, promoting long-term oral health.
Teeth Whitening
With vitamin C from Furzero™ JoySmile Bee Venom Treatment Toothpaste, effectively removes dental plaque, calculus, and germs, providing visible teeth whitening results within just one week. Whether your teeth are yellow or black, this toothpaste can restore their natural whiteness.
Mouth Sore Relief & Prevention
Mouth ulcers, often caused by bacterial erosion, can be painful and disrupt eating. The bee venom and galla japonica in Furzero™ JoySmile Bee Venom Treatment Toothpaste not only kills bacteria but also aids in healing mouth ulcers, providing relief and preventing their recurrence.
"Liquid Gold" from New Zealand Bees

The Furzero™ JoySmile Bee Venom Treatment Toothpaste features bee venom, renowned for its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and tissue regenerative properties. Known as "liquid gold," bee venom effectively promotes tooth regeneration and has been clinically tested by the ADA to enhance overall oral health.

Bee Venom: possesses antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and tissue regenerative properties.
Garlic Extract: acts as a natural broad-spectrum antibiotic, penetrating the root canal to decrease endotoxin levels and act as a promising root canal disinfectant.
Galla Japonica: inhibits anaerobic bacteria within the root canal, particularly Enterococcus faecalis, and seals dentin tubules, assisting in caries treatment and tooth restoration.
Triphala: efficiently eliminates tooth plaque and shields gingival tissue cells from free radical damage, thanks to its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and free radical scavenging attributes.
German Chamomile: calms bleeding gums and tooth sensitivity owing to its anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic qualities, making it well-suited for sensitive oral tissues.
Menthol: a natural component found in various oral care products, offers diverse advantages for dental health. It delivers effective relief from tooth pain and sensitivity, serving as a preferred solution for individuals encountering dental discomfort.
Immediate Relief

Utilize the potency of Furzero™ JoySmile Bee Venom Treatment Toothpaste to provide vital nutrients directly to your gum tissue. This efficient approach ensures rapid absorption, removing any barriers between you and nourished gums. Upon application, the toothpaste delivers instant outcomes by furnishing the essential elements for the growth and rejuvenation of healthy gum tissue.

Let's take a look at what our happy customers are saying:
“Struggling with tartar buildup, tooth decay, and persistent bad breath had always been a major concern for me, affecting my confidence and overall well-being. However, Furzero™ JoySmile Bee Venom Treatment Toothpaste has truly been a game-changer. From the moment I started using it, I could feel the difference it made, effectively tackling tartar buildup and leaving my teeth remarkably smooth and clean. After just a few weeks, my teeth regained their youthful appearance, and I couldn't be more grateful for this toothpaste.” - Bianca Stefannia

“I had been struggling with serious periodontitis and bothersome soreness, which made me hesitant to visit the dentist due to the costly treatments. However, I decided to try Furzero™ JoySmile Bee Venom Treatment Toothpaste, and I'm incredibly pleased with the results. It has proven to be effective, providing much-needed soothing relief. I can genuinely feel the improvements in my oral health and the reduction in painful periodontitis symptoms.” - Dian Calvert

What Makes This Furzero™ JoySmile Bee Venom Treatment Toothpaste Be The GREAT CHOICE?
✔ Prevention and Treatment of Periodontal Disease
✔ Reduction of Swollen and Inflamed Gums
✔ 24-Hour Teeth Whitening and Fresh Breath
✔ Rapid, Visible Results
✔ Prevention of Tooth Decay
✔ Maintenance of Oral Moisture and Healing of Dry, Cracked Tongue
✔ Stimulation of Tooth Repair and Regeneration
✔ Efficacy Confirmed by Clinical Research Centers
✔ Formulated and Manufactured in an Accredited Laboratory Certified by the American Dental Association
✔ Approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Free from Harmful Ingredients and Safe for Consumption
✔ Leaves No Residue, No Adverse Effects
✔ Endorsed by the Director of the American Dental Association (ADA)
Usage Directions
Step 1 Apply: Squeeze a pea-sized amount onto your toothbrush.
Step 2 Brush: Thoroughly brush teeth and gums for two minutes.
Step 3 Rinse: Rinse mouth with water. Use twice a day. Enjoy refreshed gums and a revitalized smile.
※ Doctor recommended to use 24 weeks continuously for forever dental health
Package Included